Is a Personal Trainer What I Need?
Perhaps you’ve hit a plateau in your fitness program, or you’re looking to re-energize your workouts. If so, hiring a personal trainer may help you reach your goals and transform your body. While there are many benefits of working with a trainer, you may wonder if doing so is right for you.
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
What are my goals?
Why do I want to lose weight/gain muscle/get fit?
Am I ready to be held accountable?
Do I have a hard time staying motivated?
Is my schedule open?
Am I willing to make changes that might feel uncomfortable?
1. The Recovery Stage:
To recuperate and allow your body to begin the healing process
2. The Repair Stage
Gently ease your body back to pre-injury levels of range-of-motion (ROM), or as close to pre-injury levels as possible.
3. The Strength Stage
Work back to pre-injury levels of muscular strength and endurance, along with cardiovascular endurance.
4. The Function Stage
Restoring functional capabilities:
Change-of-direction capability
Rate-of-force development (the speed at which force can be produced)
Would you like to know:​
What works for you and your body to get you to your goal?
What is their diet and exercise regime?
Are cheat days included in a model diet plan?
Do I have what it takes to have a model body?
Clients Responses to Donnar’s Training Sessions
3 weeks of hard work, 21 days clean n lean diet, 12 kick ass PT sessions, 4.3% body fat lost! Haven't felt this energetic and strong in years!
Big thanks to my awesome foursome trainer, who incidentally trained both top fat percentage losing females for the 2 Fit challenges so far! That can't be a coincidence. Thank you, Donnar Malena!
"I met Donnar at Riot and she was encouraging and relentless on whipping us into shape. Though the level of fitness of the group varied, she managed to push us to our maximum individually. Donnar is also friendly and approachable and yet still manages to push us. She's a great trainer and she knows her stuff!"
Victoria Xue
Legal Counsel | Nansen
Kerrie Koh
Training Consultant | Outward Bound Singapore
If asked to describe Donnar in one word, it would no doubt be "Badass". She pushes you to go beyond what you thought you were capable of while keeping that smile on your face. There is a strong community feel with her classes, where everyone becomes friends and works together to get better. Her classes are definitely the toughest I have ever been to and I am constantly challenged.